Monday, January 26, 2015

Out of the blue....

During this cold weather, I would like to happily share my updates....

I have bought new stash....14 ct aida fabric in green & Christmas red color, mill hill beads, kreinik metallic fine braid thread and my very first - Needleminder (love it!)

....and here's my latest update progress on my Waiting For Ships...

....and here's my first finished project for 2015... "Out of the Blue" (blackwork butterfly)...

Happy stitching to all!!! :-)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year....New Project!

Waiting For Ships designed by Nora Corbett for 1998 Mirabilia Designs..... a simply beautiful mermaid waiting for ships in the deep ocean.... I have just waited for the perfect fabric to go with it and when I finally had the chance ... here it is! The fabric is a hand-dyed 14ct aida in apple grape jelly shade that I was able to order & purchase on-line...

so, here is the pic of the design.....

And here's my first update... with some few stitches.... (yipee! happy me! :-D)
 Happy stitching to all!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

Happy New Year to all!

2014 has been a great year... with highs and lows... a really amazing roller coaster ride... best of all, I was able to focus on my accounting profession...(just still need to efficiently manage my time for 2015)....have finished some stitchy projects compared to previous years (would love to finish more projects this year)....and all in all, life has been good ... a little bumpy ride at the sides but still managed a good manuevering and looking forward for a lovely tune-up. 

And so... for 2015, I would wish for a lot more time devoted to my dearest hobby, crossstitching. I realized that life is really short - we must enjoy every minute we have... because happiness is the real treasure a person can have.

I have updated my Stitching Journal with my 2015 stitching plans & goals.... and as a start I have started my "Waiting For Ships" project using a hand dyed aida fabric....   

Here's a pic of the finished project... isn't she pretty? right?
I will upload pics of the update progress as I go along....

Happy stitching everyone!